Caught The Murderer!
Oops, Murderer Ran!
Game Over! ☠
Who Did It?!
{{ name(killed) }} was found dead.
{{ name(killer) }} was the murderer.
{{ name(killed) }} was found dead.
{{ name(killer) }} was the murderer.
Everyone but the murderer are dead.
You should retry this game.
{{ name(killed) }} was found dead.
Who do you think did it?
Congratulations! 🎊 You won!
You have been a great detective 🔍. Being an amateur detective takes more than wearing a trench coat and fedora. You've got the skills ⚡
Oops! 😜 You lost!
Being a detective 🔍 is difficult. It takes skills which let you accurately estimate everyone's moves. You should be always one step before them ⚡